So, yeah. I was basically just offered a job to make music for a future indie gaming company. An old friend from high school went on to college to study game design and I contacted him today asking him about his work. (not gonna lie, I also may have whored my music out to him a little) and he said he believed my music was good!
As a total freelance artist who makes music just for fun this is a huge step for me. Can I really make money doing what I love to do?
Somehow, my life keeps getting better. Time to start seriously thinking about going to college to learn music theory, techniques and etc.!
Wish me luck NG, I may have stumbled into something else amazing!
Edit: Signs point to yes! Life is becoming a dream come true...
It's great to hear the beginnings of success stories like this
:D It's just great to think that the music in a game someday will all be my work!