Really liking the intro, bassline is excellent.
I was talking with someone about the origins of dubstep a few days ago and what you have here is actually really similar to the OG stuff.
Around 1:00-1:20 the bass starts to crackle a little bit but it almost sounds intentional but tbh at this point in the song I would prefer if it wasn't so compressed, it just sounds a little messy to me.
I can see why Ditchy didn't make such a long critique at first (holy crap the update though) and that's cause you really have something great here, produced pretty well.
On a whole I think you could do with playing around with some stereoization and soundspace tweaking. It's alright but I think you could take it to a new level with some of the instruments/generators.
Everything else I could say is stylistic, a few of the instruments I really like, but some I'm not so much into. It's definitely spacey sounding and you are going to the roots of dubstep with an anger against popular media and I think you really nailed it!